Four tricks of back pain relief to sleep all night like a baby
Not enough sleep is a problem all too common in modern society.
Also if you go to bed early to get the 7-9 hours you need, there is no ensure that you will be able to stay asleep throughout the night.
There are a lot of factors that come into play when it comes to getting a good night's sleep. Fortunately, there are a lot of solutions too!
Why can I not sleep?
One of the most common reasons why you are not getting enough eye shut is easy: stress.
When you think stressed all day at work, you are likely to take that feeling home with you.
In this case, practicing yoga before bedtime can be a great way to calm your mind and banish stressful thoughts.
Another common problem is to suffer from night back pains, which make it tough to get comfortable and drift into sleep. Some people may also experience back pain that wakes them up in the middle of the night.
Since the back muscles are sore after a long day sitting at your desk, it is necessary to loosen up before hitting the sack. This habit helps relieve stress and stretch and loosen excess muscles.
To amplify the effects of back pain relief poses then drink some soothing tea two hours before bedtime, take a relaxing bath, and avoid electronic devices for at least 90 minutes before bedtime.
Here are Four tricks of back pain relief to sleep a good night
You do not need a yoga mat to make these poses, just use your bed!
1. Wind assistance posture
This position is commonly used to treat gas pain and poor digestion, but it has many other benefits. In fact, this area can increase blood circulation in the hip joints, strengthen the back and core, and relieves tension in the lower back.
Here's how to do it:
- Lie on your back and relax your whole body.
- Bow your knees so that the soles of your feet touch the floor (or the mattress).
- Get to the ceiling, bring your knees to your chest and wrap your arms around them.
- Breathe and bring your knees further into your chest. With each breath, inhale and move your legs away from your torso, bringing them to you in the exhalation.
- Hold the position for 8-10 breaths.
2. Feet on the wall
Viparita Karani, or feet on the surface, is an excellent alternative to bending to stretch your legs and back. "When you set your legs up the wall with your pelvis raised on a lymph, folded the blanket and
other fluids that can lead to swelled ankles, tired knees and blocked pelvic organs flow into the lower belly, which refreshes the legs and reproductive area," Explains Yoga Journal.
Here's how to do it:
- Place a wrapped pillow next to the wall or headboard.
- Lie on the floor or your bed with your buttocks against the wall, and support your feet and legs on the wall.
- Extend the arms to the sides to open the chest.
- Hold for a few minutes, breathing deeply.
3. Wave Exercises
This activity enters the deep muscles of the back to relieve pain and tension.
Step 1:
- To start, lie on your back with small towels rolled under the waist and neck.
- Stay relaxed and swing your feet from side to side.
- Loosen your neck by slowly moving it from side to side.
- Be sure not to strain your neck or back while doing so.
- Change direction and continue swinging from side to side to breathe.
Step 2:
- Stand on your stomach, wiggling the towel under your forehead.
- Rest your toes on the bed with your arms and legs extended comfortably.
- Wave your feet from side to side as if the waves were moving your body. Let your whole body relax.
- Change direction and continue for a few deep breaths.
4. Shavasana
Shavasana, also known as a body pose, is often used at the end of a yoga session to release stress and turn into a relaxed state. It also works to relieve back pain as well as shoulder and neck pain caused by sitting at a desk all day.
Here's how to do it:
- Lie on your back, slightly separating your legs and arms.
- Place palms up.
- Support your neck with a folded towel to allow your neck to relax completely.
- Breathe firmly and slowly, relax every muscle in your body, starting with your toes and ending with your head.
- Let your breaths become longer and deeper with the passage of time.
- Relax as much as you can and slowly return to your body and out of the posture.
- You can also use this drifting position sleep.
Practice these four exercises every night to relieve full back pain. You'll be glad you tried it!
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