вторник, 7 июня 2016 г.

Reverse Lunge - with Lateral Flexion

Reverse Lunge - with Lateral Flexion

Starting Position

  • Stand with your back straight and your arms at your sides


  • Step backward with your right foot into the lunge, your left foot forward, then contract your right glute
  • Reach your right hand over-head and laterally crunch your torso to the left, reaching your left hand to the ground
  • Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side
  • Alternate for the desired number of reps

Coaching Keys

  • Maintain your posture throughout the movement
  • Contract your back glute during the stretch
  • Keep your front knee behind your toes
  • Don't let your back knee touch the ground
  • Keep your chest up and fire your front glute as you return to the starting position

You Should Feel It

  • Stretching the hip flexor of your back leg, in the glute and groin area of your front leg, and in the lateral muscles of your torso

Original article and pictures take static.fuelforit.com site

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