понедельник, 18 февраля 2013 г.

9 Easy Wall Stretches for Tight Hips

9 Easy Wall Stretches for Tight Hips

Got tight, painful hips? Do these easy, soothing wall stretches to relieve tension!

With all the sitting we do in our daily lives, tight hips are a very common problem. From sitting at your desk in front of a computer, to sitting in your car in traffic, to sitting at home in front of the TV; all this sitting causes our hips to tighten and become weak.

Before we dive into the stretches to soothe tight hips, a quick recap of the hip: The muscles of the hips are divided into four groups – the gluteal complex, the lateral rotators, the adductors, and the iliopsoas group (1).

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The Gluteal Complex consists of:

  • Gluteus Maximus, Medius, and Minimus
  • Tensor Fascia Latae

The Adductor Group consists of:

  • Adductor Brevis, Longus, and Magnus
  • Pectineus
  • Gracilis

Lateral Rotator Group consists of:

  • Externus and Internus Obturators
  • The Piriformis
  • The Superior and Inferior Gemelli
  • Quadratus Femoris

Iliopsoas Group (AKA the hip flexors) consists of:

  • Iliacus
  • Psoas Major

Every time we sit, our hip flexors are put into flexion while our gluteal muscles are put into extension. While this would be fine and dandy if we only sat occasionally, most of us sit often and for an extended period, causing the hip muscles to become tight, weak, or both. Ouch!

Tightness in the hips doesn’t just stop there, it can lead to a whole slew of problems. Tight hips can lead to a variety of conditions such as lower back pain, piriformis syndrome, sciatica, digestive system issues, circulatory issues, poor posture, and so on.

So, if your hips are feeling tight, it’s time to stretch them out. All you need is a wall and 15 to 20 minutes.

TFL Stretch | 30 sec per side

This stretch relieves tension in the outer part of the gluteal complex, targeting the tensor fascia latae (TFL).

  1. To begin, stand slightly more than an arm’s distance from a wall with your right side facing it.
  2. Lean your right hand on the wall, with your right arm straight. Place your left hand on your hip. Keeping your legs straight and your hips square, move your right hip toward the wall until you feel a stretch in your right outer hip.
  3. Squeeze your glutes and engage your abs. Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat, turning your left side toward the wall.

Low Lunge and Quad Stretch | 30 sec per side

This stretch will relieve tightness in the hip flexors, stretching the psoas major and the quadriceps.

  1. Begin in a lunge position with your back knee down, facing away from the wall. Position yourself so that your back toes are against the wall.
  2. Frame your front foot with your hands and bend your back knee to pick the foot up off the ground.
  3. Place the top of your back foot against the wall and then use your hands to scoot your back knee closer to the wall so that you are feeling a stretch through the quadriceps and hip flexors of the back leg. Engage your abs to deepen the stretch and hold for 30 seconds. Then, switch sides.

Wall Figure 4 | 30 sec per side

This stretch relieves tension in the gluteal muscles and the lateral rotators, stretching the gluteus maximus and minimus and the piriformis.

  1. Start by sitting facing the wall. Lie down and bend your knees, adjusting your body so that your toes touch the wall.
  2. Lift your feet up and place your left foot on the wall, creating a 90° angle with your left knee. Then, cross your right ankle over the lower part of the left thigh. Flex both feet.
  3. Place your right hand on your right thigh and gently press it open. If you’d like a deeper stretch, scoot your hips a little closer to the wall. If you’d like less of a stretch, scoot your hips away from the wall. Hold for 30 seconds and then switch sides.

Wall Hamstrings Stretch | Hold 60 sec

This wall stretch opens up the gluteus maximus and the hamstrings.

  1. Begin sitting in front of the wall with your knees bent.
  2. Lie down on your back and straighten your legs up the wall. The closer your hips are to the wall, the deeper the stretch.
  3. Feel your glutes and hamstrings release. Hold for 60 seconds.

Happy Baby | Hold 60 sec

This relaxing stretch relieves tension in all four hip groups.

  1. Begin sitting in front of the wall with your knees bent.
  2. Lie down on your back and keep your knees bent as you place your feet up on the wall.
  3. Separate your feet out wide and walk your feet a little closer to the ground so your knees come in towards your chest. Scoot your hips closer to the wall to deepen the stretch. Place your hands on your knees or out wide and hold for 60 seconds.

Wall Straddle | Hold 60 sec

This stretch opens up the adductor muscles and the gluteal muscles.

  1. Begin sitting in front of the wall with your knees bent.
  2. Lie down on your back and straighten your legs up the wall. The closer your hips are to the wall, the deeper the stretch.
  3. Slowly separate your feet out wide into a straddle position, feeling a stretch through your inner thighs and glutes. Hold for 60 seconds.

Wall Supta Baddha Konasana | Hold 60 sec

This stretch opens up the hip rotators like the piriformis and TFL, as well as the glutes and adductors.

  1. Begin sitting in front of the wall with your knees bent.
  2. Lie down on your back and keep your knees bent as your place your feet up on the wall.
  3. Bring your feet together and let your knees open up wide. The closer your hips are to the wall, the deeper the stretch. Breathe into the inner and outer hips as you hold for 60 seconds.

Standing Split | Hold 30 sec per side

This yoga wall pose stretches the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and the hamstrings.

  1. Start standing a few feet away from the wall facing away from it.
  2. Fold forward at the hips, bringing your fingertips to the ground.
  3. Pick up your left leg and place your left foot on the wall at the same height as your hips. Straighten out your left leg, adjusting your body as needed to create an L shape with the legs. Fold your chest over your right thigh and actively press your left foot against the wall, keeping your hips square. Breathe into the outer right hip and hamstrings. Hold for 30 seconds and then switch sides.

Half Moon | Hold 30 sec per side

This yoga wall pose opens up the hip flexors, adductors, and the tensor fascia latae.

  1. Start standing next to a wall with your right side a couple of inches from it. Bring your body into a forward fold by hinging at your hips and bringing your fingertips to the floor.
  2. Lift your left leg off the ground until your left foot is in line with your left hip. Then, pick your left hand up off the ground and slowly stack your left hip and shoulder over the right hip and shoulder.
  3. Flex your left foot so it’s active and slightly lean back into the wall to press both sides of your hips against it. Feel the hips opening and hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides.

(Read This Next: 12 Ways To Use A Tennis Ball To Release Tight Hips)

Original article and pictures take d39ziaow49lrgk.cloudfront.net site

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