четверг, 21 июня 2012 г.

5 Twists To Loosen The Spine

5 Twists To Loosen The Spine
5 Twists To Loosen The Spine

You know that feeling when your back is all loose? It’s perfect. Twisting stretches can apparently help digestion, improve sleep and promote relaxation. Stretching in general has so many benefits and there’s no reason it should be skipped, it can even prevent back injuries. Sign me up! Feeling bloat or even tired? Twist that spine.

*Remember not to do anything that hurts and if you have a back condition, consult with your doctor.

Twisting Spine Stretches

Hold these stretches as long as you like and do them whenever you want. Remember, any movement counts. I like to do them before bed or right away in the morning since the body is all crazy after sleeping. These twisting spine stretches are often used in yoga.

Don’t feel like you have to do all of them. The twisting spine stretches are listed from likely easiest to most difficult. Please modify as needed.

Thread The Needle

  1. Start on all fours.
  2. Reach the right hand straight up over your upper back, to open up
  3. Bring the right hand down and through under the left arm
  4. Rest your right shoulder on the ground and relax the head and neck down
  5. Relax the left arm out straight OR push left palm into ground for extra stretch

thread the needle stretch begin
Reach up to prepare

thread the needle stretch
Then reach under to “thread the needle”

Seated Spinal Twist

  1. Begin seated with both legs straight out
  2. Bring right knee in with heel close to butt
  3. Hug right knee in with left arm
  4. Twist to the right while hugging and look over the right shoulder
  5. Make sure to sit up tall
  6. Make it harder by bringing the left elbow across the right knee and twisting (see pic)

seated spinal twist
Easier version

seated spinal twist
Harder version

Supine Spinal Twist

  1. Begin lying on your back (AKA supine)
  2. Bring right knee to chest with both hands
  3. Take left hand and grab right knee
  4. With left hand, pull the right knee across the body (as far as comfortable)
  5. Let right arm go out straight or to a goal post shape and face right

supine spinal twist
twisting spine stretches

Sumo Squat Twist

  1. Start in a sumo squat position.
  2. Bring right palm above right knee and left palm above left knee, turning fingers out
  3. Let the right shoulder fall towards the ground and look to the left
  4. Push the right hand into thigh for extra stretch

sumo squat twist

Lunge Twist

  1. Start in a hip flexor stretch position with right knee on the ground and left knee bent in front with foot flat
  2. Put palms together (not to be all crazy people, but just so it’s easier)
  3. Turn upper body to left and look left, keeping palms together
  4. Hook right elbow on the left knee and twist
  5. If you can’t reach your elbow to knee, then just twist to that side

lunge twist
twisting spine stretches

twisting spine stretches

Like these stretches? Try to supplement with my Simple Stretches for the Lower Body and Posture Improving Exercises and Best Morning Stretches for improved back health!

What makes your back feel good?

Fresh Fitness: Do twisting spine stretches to improve flexibility in the spine, relaxation, digestion, and a better night’s sleep.

Original article and pictures take i0.wp.com site

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