понедельник, 20 февраля 2012 г.

4 Best Hip Stretches for Pain Relief

4 Best Hip Stretches for Pain Relief

I wanted to show you the absolute best hip stretches for pain.

Absolute Best Hip Stretches for Pain

CLICK HERE to watch the video.

I had Donnalee to demonstrate the stretches.

#1 – Child’s Pose

Start in a kneeling position. Bend through the hips and bring your arms straight as far as you can and drop the shoulders towards the floor. Look for a good stretch in the spine to help improve its mobility. Also, look for a nice stretch in the hip by putting it in the end range of motion through hip flexion. Work on stretching out the hip area, the tissues in the hip, the glutes and in the hamstrings.

Child’s Pose

Perform 1 set of 2 reps with 20 seconds hold at the end position. The intensity is light for this static stretch.

#2 – Forward Fold

Begin in a nice and upright standing position. Bend through the hips. Maintain a good alignment with the upper body. Slowly bend forward and start moving in each of the vertebrae and let your arms hang through the floor as you get to the bottom position. Keep that nice arch through that low back and good movement in the hip when you reach the end position.

Forward Fold

Perform 1 set of 2 reps with 20 seconds hold at the end position. The intensity is light for this static stretch. You are slightly stretching out the muscles and not ripping them apart. If you don’t have much flexibility, just go to the level that you can. This exercise is working on the mobility of the spine, stretching out the hip and targeting the hamstrings and glutes.

#3 – Triangle Pose

Begin in a nice and upright standing position. Step one leg to the side. The toes of the opposite leg are pointing forward. Arms to the side and then bend through the hips and bring the hand to the ankle and hold the position for a few seconds.

Triangle Pose

Perform 1 set of 2 reps for 20 seconds. The intensity is light. This exercise targets a number of areas. We are working on opening up the back hip. We are working on mobility in the spine. Also, we are working on stretching out the back of the hip in that front leg.

#4 – Wind Removing Pose

Lie on your back on the floor. Pull both knees to the chest. Stretch out one leg and hold the other leg with your hands. Hold that position for a few seconds, allow your body and hip to relax.

Wind Removing Pose

Perform 1 set of 2 reps for 20 seconds. The intensity is light. This exercise targets two different areas. With the straightened leg, we are working on stretching out the front of the hip. With the knee pressed towards the chest and shoulder, we are working on the end range flexion of the hip targeting the glutes and hamstrings and loosening them up.

Give these four stretches a go. They will definitely help you in relieving hip pain.

If you want to instantly release your hip flexors for more strength, better health and all day energy, then check out the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program.

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS


Original article and pictures take exercisesforinjuries.com site

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